by Kate Alfano, CMS Communications Coordinator

The Colorado Medical Society launched Central Line in November 2016 as part of extensive governance and communications reforms to transition CMS into a 21st-century medical society. Central Line makes our governance horizontal, not vertical; interactive, not linear; and linked directly to every CMS member. CMS is the only state medical society in the country with this innovate and unique membership participation feature. Since its inception, members have responded to our call for engagement in impressive numbers, providing invaluable comments and votes to give members of the board of directors direct peer input before and after votes on policy issues.

“To those who have participated in Central Line, I urge you to continue in 2019, as we face tremendous challenges in the public policy realm,” said CMS President Debra Parsons, MD, FACP. “To those who have yet to participate, this is your opportunity to engage with your medical society for the benefit of your profession, practice and patients. All members’ involvement is critical to guide our society through this year and beyond.”


Click here to read more about Central Line

Categories: Communications, Colorado Medicine